Sunday, February 25, 2018

Week 5: Part 1

I chose to look over the Econobum and the Just Cheap Diapers websites.

Econobum sells eco-friendly diapers and Just Cheap Diapers name is pretty self explanatory. The two companies could very well have crossover customers because I know that some parents that choose to cloth diaper, also like to have access to disposable ones. In the same way, some parents who mostly use disposable diapers like to have cloth diapers as an option. Econobum's target market would ultimately be soon to be parents and parents of young children that are interested in lessening their carbon footprint. Their target market may also have children with sensitive skin that can't use the mainstream diapers.

Econobum makes sure to explain their process and what makes their diapers superior quality. Their website is very professional, modern, and sleek. They only have a few items for viewing. In fact, unless you are planning to buy wholesale, this website is just informational for what they have and what stores carry the products. Because it is not an online shopping platform, there are no prices listed. I would assume that the prices can vary from store to store. The website reveals that their target market is initially retailers. Based on what I see, the overall tone is encouraging people with retail locations to offer their products on the shelves, or for people seeking diapers for their children to seek out an already established diaper retailer.

Just Cheap Diapers is a lot different than Econobum. This company appears to be aimed directly at parents that are looking for a good deal on diapers. The low prices are the main focus and although they claim to have high quality diapers, there is no explanation of what makes them high quality. The website is brightly colored but the images aren't the greatest. There is a section on the website for resellers. In order to purchase, you would either have to go in physically or contact them via one of the methods provided. The overall tone for this website is telling people they've got great prices for high quality diapers. Their main focus is skipping the middle man (retail stores) and providing a direct discount for consumers.

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